Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My sister asked me why all of my posts are about skipping classes?
I skipped again today. So what?

I don't wanna wake up because I am a "chicken" (means coward, not prostitute), I choose to run away from the world because the world is cruel, it is callous. I am not ready to confront it. Not when I have no one to guide me through. I know I will eventually lose to the world and collapse one day so I choose to hide.

The world is nothing fun. Whatever that's fun will eventually come to an end - crack of the doom.
Have you guys ever pondered about these questions? Like,

1. Why am I on earth? Is there a God or the earth just formed by itself?Like, big bang? or anything?
2.Where am I going after life?
3. Look at all the wonderful things, look at our body, our cells, our body structures, our face, all things on earth. Do they really come by themselves? Or there's an omnipotent God who created them?

I know some people just don't give an account into these things, including me. But now I am starting to worry as I know that the world is going to end soon and where am I going after that? Will it just end there? Or there's something more after life? Something even better ahead us?

I am still finding the answers. When I find em', I will share with you guys alright.

Stay tuned. This is important although I may sound a bit silly to even mention about em".

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