Saturday, April 11, 2009

The day when you walked away.


There're so much words left unsaid,
so much works left undone.
The day since you chose to walk away,
was the day my heart chose to stop beating;
my eyes chose to stop seeing.
The callousness of the truth,
was excruciating and unbearable.
Somehow I wished I could turn back time,
to make everything better.
I would take back all harsh words that I'd spoken to you.
But I knew that things were beyond restoration,
torn pieces were impossible to be fixed, no.
I was forced to move on,
because your heart was no longer there;
no longer there for me.
We've both moved on.
Soon, I realized that,
I'm alright without you.
Your life is more colorful without my existence.
You're better off without me.
And I am totally okay with it.

I do miss the times,
when you showered me with true love and affection.
I can never deny your sincerity....your loyalty.
You opened your ears to listen to my problems with the patience of a saint.
You never did a thing to perturb me.
You were really proud to have me around.
And you broadcast to the world that :" I AM THE ONE."
I was the only girl in your life.
I loved it when you were apathetic and unwilling to talk to other girls.
You never ever lied. Not even about a small thing.

How can you ever find a guy like this? Never ever again.
I am not comparing bfs okay...
I am just recalling all the memories.
And yes,
like my parents have always commented,
he is the best among all.


Chun said...

awww...tats soooo sweet...
i guesss romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.

~Catherine's imperfect life~ said...

But it's all past:)
Look forward

Chun said...

yea...u guessing u muz be still pretty young... gud luck in ure dreams....

~Catherine's imperfect life~ said...

I am old. 18++ hahaha

Chun said...

18++...awww...tats young, kinda miss when im

but its gud...since u had such a determination... nice knowing you cat, is tat ure name?