This week is exam week.
Done 3 papers, 1 more to go, which is Micro.
= ( tired...
I sleep only 5 hours everyday this week. Not for studies, but for some fun online...games, forums, facebook~
So tired now...
I thought I could rest after Micro paper but no, I have to go Genting at night = (
Well, nothing much to blog about recently as nothing interesting ever happened.
The thing I'm very upset about is that I realised that I'm ageing = ( How sad.. My upper eyelids are becoming more and more saggy. The same goes to my eye bags. Well, they aren't too obvious though. But they look swollen every morning. Damn it!
I still remembered that my face used to be really oily and have lotsa pimples.
But my face is dehydrated now because I'm ageing! but no more pimples.
I'm going to take good care of my skin before it's too late! Seriously!
I think the reason why my upper lids are a bit yellowship is because last time I used to work as a beauty consultant and was forced to apply eyeshadow. I didn't remove my make up sometimes! hahahaa. Just washed with facial wash.
Uh, job obligation. What to do? I admit that my make-up skills suck and always got complaint from colleages about not putting enough of make up or my eyeshadow colours are not applied evenly. LOL
My friends always ask me on MSN about the skin care I use. And people always say that I apply very thick layer of make-up, that's why my skin is so fair! @@
So here it goes,
Um, skin care?? basically nothing right now. Nothing for a few months d. Cuz nothing seems to suit me. I'll try hunting for something!
When I go out, I apply
lotion or sunscreen. NO foundation, NO powder, NO eyeliner(I ban eyeliner), NO eyeshadow! The most is mascara, but rarely.. Believe it, I bought a small tube of mascara since I was in form 4, and I'm using it till now! Like today, I applied sunscreen and covered my dark circles with bb cream before going out. Refer to picture above = ) Not even mascara. Like naked! So please don't say that I apply very thick of make-up kay = ( I don't, and I don't like to be blamed.
When I go shopping, I apply
Lotion or sunscreen and use bbcream to cover my dark circles, cuz I'm very stingy okay, I don't wanna spend money on concealer. LOL. Sometimes I do apply bb cream over my whole face, but rarely because my skin gets too dry after applying any cosmetics.
When I work, I apply,
Lotion or sunscreen or Bb cream. and yea, mascara and a lil bit of blusher. Cuz scared agents scold me why don't bother to make up.
That's all = ) So you call that heavy? = ( uh~
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