No class today. Yeepy.
I'm feeling rather lifeless here because I took only vegetables yesterday for my brunch + dinner.
And here is my brunch for today:
What on earth, I forgot to add salt and pepper into my eggs. They turned out to be sucky! So I trashed them away. That's my style. I tend to throw away everything I don't feel like eating!
Actually planned to take vegetables soup as my brunch. But the smell of it made me puke! Ew.
I need meat!!!!! Like, every meal, everyday.
That's what keeps me going!
you make my life tedious, somemore you dare to say this and that.
you are too childish in relationship.
blog is for something personal yet it's shown to public.
can we simply upload any type of pictures and show the world?
being together is a matter of 2 persons. Not everyone on earth.
i am wondering when only you will become more mature in relationship and understand me, as a blogger, cannot just upload any type of pictures on blog.
pity on allen, kena scold in your blog again..
and i wonder why there is a butterfly on that pic?
izit due to the allen's double chin?
oops, sorry for the offending
I feel your frustration...gby
hahahhaha yes layers of fats LOL
he deserves the scolding.
hahahahahaha a 19-year-old telling a guy who's 4 years older to learn to grow up! hahahahahahhaahahaha what on earth
hehe no la he tends to be more chidish in front of me but he is matured and serious in work and real life LOL
maybe because I made him to be like that
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