Got tagged by my friend, so I have to do this. It's in Chinese .Those who can read just come and view la...But I'm answering in English because I can hardly type Chinese.
I tag,
1. Chee Keong. - I know you just will do this ^^
2. Sze Lynn - you do ah... i love you one ma......
3. Shin
4. Terence
5. Allen - you must do this okay, post it on your blog. your blog is so dead.
Must do it okay!
Part 1:
Q01. 你的大名?
~Catherine Lim Chin Yee
Q02. 你认为什么才算是真正幸福?
~Having a lot of money to get whatever I want in life. Money CAN buy happiness although it's not everything!
Q03. 你们觉得友情重要还是爱情重要,为什么?
~Both are equally important.
Q04. 你相信天长地久吗?
~No, everyone's going to die. There's no love that lasts. Except for the love of God. It's ever-lasting.
Q05. 你现在过得快乐吗?
~So-so, sometimes happy sometimes no feeling.
Q06. 如果有秘密,你真的会做到坦白的告诉对方吗?
~Which partner?
Q07. 喜欢小Baby吗?
~love babies, can't wait to have one.
Q08. 觉得友情是永远的吗?
~It ends when one party dies, so no! I already said! Every love and relationship on earth ends. Except for relationship with God.
Q09. 希望自己多大結婚?
Q10. 你会为他做自己从来不会做的事情?
~Haha, secret! = p
Q11. 你觉得女生卷发好还是直发好?
~ It depends because everyone's face shape is different.
Q12. 最想去那里旅遊?
~Of course western countries.
Q13. 一辈子都不会忘记的事?
~Did something unforgettable on December 2008.
Q14. 如果爱一个人,是不是要拼命挽回他(她)?
~No, because I'm a girl. I won't ever chase a guy no matter how much I love him.
Q15. 看到天空你想起的第一个人是谁?
~ Jesus. Haha.
Q16. 你会愛他(她)一輩子吗?
~ Not sure...
Q17. 喜欢你的人和你喜欢的人,你会选哪个?
~ The one who loves me
Q18. 你会以什么方式表现你对他(她)的爱?
~Um, don't know! haha
Q19. 如果看到自己最爱的人熟睡在你面前你会做什么?
~Kiss him gently, molest him.
Q20. 如果你想痛扁一個人,你希望那個人是?
~So many!
Q21. 你会后悔过自己的決定吗?
~No, whatever is done is past, we cannot change the past, but we can change the future.
Q22. 现在最迷什么?
~Money money money money money!
Q23. 你是好孩子吗?
~ Yes, I don't club, don't smoke, I only spend money!
Q24. 觉得爱情和面包,哪个重要?
~Love, because without my darling I would have died of hunger. Cuz he always brings me go to eat. hahahaha
Q25. 如果你失恋了,你会怎么样?
~Like that lor, what can I do?
Q26. 如果你的男朋友(女朋友)经常不回家的话,你会怎样?
~I also go out !
Q27. 现在给你勇气,你最想做些什么事?
~Kill people, rob bank to get money!
Part 2
Q01. 是谁传給你这份问卷的?
~Yi Zhen
Q02. 你们认识有多久呢?
~Forgot d..
Q03. Yi Zhen 对你來说重要吗?
~Ok lo...
Q04. 你与Yi Zhen的关系是?
~Hostel mate
Q05. 请问Yi Zhen的兴趣是?
~Making people laugh by just laughing
Q06. 你觉得Yi Zhen的个性如何?
~Hilarious, sometimes sot sot... hahaha.. But she is a good girl
Q07. 他(她)在你心目中是几分?
~More than half for sure.
Q08. 睡觉前第一件事?开风扇?喝水?
~Wash my legs...
Q09. 你的偶像?
~ Catherine Lim Chin Yee
Q10. 你喜欢的季节?
~Winter, but too bad there's no winter in Malaysia
Q11. 你打工吗?
~Yes, a freelancer.
Q12. 打工次数?
~Always got job one.
Q13. 你最害怕什么?
Q14. 你讨厌什么样的个性?
~Proud, playboy, big man, shallow people with peanut size brains.
Q15. 你会抽烟吗?
Q16. 你会喝酒吗?
~Get drunk easily....
Q17. 你常哭吗?
~No.... I'm strong...
Q18. 你常笑吗?
~All the time.
Q19. 你喜欢去哪玩?
~cold weather place
Q20. 去玩時喜欢自己一个人去吗?
~Yes, sometimes I prefer to do everything alone
Q21. 是假期日时你都睡到几点?
Q22. 今天的天气是?
~Very very hot.
Q23. 你们知道最遠的距离是什么吗?
~Not interested.
Part 3
Q01. 我的BGM好听吗?
~what's that?
Q02. 你的皮包里有什么?
~My photo, Allen's photo, money, card, name cards, license.
Q03. 你生命中最重要的人是?
~Mom. Without her I am nothing.
Q04. 什么东西是你喜欢吃的呀?
~Laksa, Sushi king, curry mee, kfc, mcd....So many.....
Q05. 现在有喜欢的人吗?
~My Allen.....
Q06. 你还喜欢他(她)嗎?
Q07. 你觉得我坏吗?
I just done it. And I tagged you.
wtf you. why cheekeong's name is the first not mine
hahaha wei chinese one la i lazy to do le... although i also love you.. wakakaakaka
i also wanna rob, but i wanna rob queensbay mall or any other shopping malls! hahahahah i want unlimited supply of clothes and shoes and bags and uhm.... hahhahaha
Shin: Haha, why you tag me back!
Sze Lynn: Wei, because i just replied his comment that time so just typed it loh hahahaha sorry can reply in english ma! like me! hahahahahaha
as u mentioned, i did the tag just because of you~
and i'm so proud to be the 1st in your list, but i think SzeLynn is jealous now..
i don't want her to be mistaken about our relationship (LOL)
to SzeLynn: cat and i are nothing, and i'm still single.
I tagged by Yee Zhern.
After done only knew you tagged by people also. Haha~
Chee keong: hahahaha no need to explain to her la she was just kidding she knows I love her the most hahahahahahaa
Shin: hahahaha ya loh ya loh now only i know! Weird
Ur answer reli funny loh =P
I've jz created my new blog, bored wit my old blog dy =)
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