Friday, March 27, 2009


Something that I consume contains depressant! I doubt! It makes me feel really depressed and lose appetite.
I have been taking Milo as breakfast, a bread or fruit as lunch, and sometimes a cup of Milo for dinner or nothing at all.
I feel hungry but I just feel too depressed to eat anything.

I am working, remember?

and today's meals:
Breakfast: Milo
Lunch: Some sushi only
Dinner: Milo

Yesterday's meals
Breakfast: Milo + oat
Lunch: a slice of papaya, carrot milk juice
Dinner: noodle cup

The day before yesterday's meals
Breakfast: Milk
Lunch: a bread
Dinner: half bowl of Mcd small porridge

Cool? Cool?! Don't learn from me. It slows down body metabolism rate. By the time you get thin, you will start to follow back your normal meals and you will gain super fast. twice faster!
see I know that! But I just can't eat. I don't have appetite to eat. Why? I HATE FOOD! I HATE MCD! I HATE MYSELF EVEN MORE FOR OVER-CONSUMING THEM!

My job is tiring. No sales. =.="
Can die.
Full time for 3 days.
DIE!!!!!!!!!! Little food+ strenuous job = death!
Come and see me for the last time! I mean, times. LOL


Shin said...

Noodles cup is fat...
Try to eat more for breakfast and lesser for dinner.

~Catherine's imperfect life~ said...

hehe okay okay

EuEu said...

I second what Shin said. Breakfast gets you starting for the day.

Something light for dinner bcoz you won't be doing much before you sleep.

~Catherine's imperfect life~ said...

hehe alright^^